HND Full Time

Kindly fill all the fields provided in this form before clicking the Submit button

Student Personal Information
Date of Birth
The Year of Birth Field is required! The Month of Birth Field is required! The Day of Birth Field is required!
Student Academic Details
Student Finance Details
Next of Kin Details
Sponsor Details
Student Other Details
Institution Enrollment Date
The Start Year Field is required! The Start Month Field is required! The Start Day Field is required!
Institution Graduation Date
The End Year Field is required! The End Month Field is required! The End Day Field is required!
Last Employment Start Date
The Start Year Field is required! The Start Month Field is required! The Start Day Field is required!
Last Employment End Date
The End Year Field is required! The End Month Field is required! The End Day Field is required!
O-Level Result
First Sitting

Subject Grade
Second Sitting

Subject Grade
National Diploma Result
The Year Awarded Field is required! The Month Awarded Field is required! The Day Awarded Field is required!
Passport Photograph

To upload your passport, scan and save the passport in the computer file system. Click on the Choose File button shown above to display the file dialog box. Select the passport file from the saved location. Then click on the Upload Passport button above to upload your passport to the system.

Please note that the passport photo background should be plain (white or clear) and passport size should not be more than 20kb. The file format must be in either .gif, .jpeg, .jpg or .bmp file format.

If you experience any difficulties or issues kindly call 07088391544 , 09059424123 , 09053630262 or email [email protected], For transcript related call 08104593133